How to Earn Money From Facebook - WAY 1 OF 7

How To Make Money From Facebook In 7 Smart Ways In 2020

Hello Dear Viewers !

Everyone of us use Facebook on daily basis and get connected with his/her friends and loved ones. Apart from sharing selfies and videos with your friends and getting notification on daily basis and wasting or killing your time, you can get paid from Facebook by using it through different ways/means.

WAY # 1- Earning Money from Facebook Page

you must be very clear from day one that you have to make money from your Facebook page so that you would not divert your attention to other petty things.

    Step 1 - Find a Niche

                You must know the potential of a niche which will help you to earn money and your interest in your topic.
For example, an affiliate marketing fan page will generate a decent earning from websites like amazon.
Earning from a Facebook page is not a fortnight work. It is also important that you must have the basic knowledge about the field so that you can create content for your fans and inspire other people to like your page.

    Step 2 - Publishing Relevant Content on Facebook Page

                Start sharing content. Your content should be such that people read/watch and share.
Facebook pages are said to have a low organic reach and people often forget you if you are not consistent.
You must have a pre-written pool of content. Also, you should schedule your posts so that if you are busy somewhere, your page will still keep running.
You can schedule your social media posts through different apps just like Buffer & Hoot-suite

    Step 3 - Making Relationships

                In marketing relationship building is compulsory. You will get your first payment from collaborative promotions or as sponsored posts. Sponsored post means that you get paid to write (and post) about a brand, on your Facebook page.
Or, you can make money by posting links of other brands.

    Step 4 - Making More Money

                If you have a decent fan base and have developed a name in the town, you can apply to the affiliate programs to earn more money. Few famous affiliate providers are click-bank, CJ, shareasale, amazon etc.

So, Dear Viewers, there are some other ways to earn money from Facebook and to read those articles you should obviously go to my other articles which are very helpful. Please do not leave without leaving a comment which really meant to me.

I hope this article helped you a bit to get some knowledge about earning money from creating and running a Facebook Page.

other ways are discussed in details in my other articles for which you can visit below links in which i have described other very informative and useful ways. You must visit these articles below;


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