The Boy who Beaten up his Mother with his wife

Hello Friends !

Assalam o Aalaikum. Hope you're all fine and doing well in your lives..

Today i am going to discuss with you about the recent published video of a young boy in which he is beating up his mother and abusing her. 

i am really very surprised, rather too much disappointed after watching the video, as i haven't ever seen nor even supposed about doing nor even thought about doing like this what ever the reason would be.. 

Can you imagine, A mother, who gives birth to her child with lots of pain and after fighting with the world, she becomes a mother, and for what for seeing this day, that one day her own son, her own biological child, will one day beat her, stab her, and abuse her in front of his wife ? what would be the impact on his own wife, will she ever remain in a position that she could ever respect her husband, even that all happened due to that lady.

Nature has its own rules, and the doings in your life comes after you and one day the will exactly be with you, like you had been. since i had seen that video, my condition is very bad and i am not understanding how did this happened. we have already seen too much in this society, and now what happened. you people thing, what has left to be seen.

In the world or society, which we are living in, we are taught to respect our parents and obey them. we never think about abusing our parents, or to beaten up them. this is the height of ignorance, how is this possible that a mother has brought up her child with no values, it is not possible in my point of view, but what we saw today, can we imagine.

A mother since the birth of her child, looks after her child, she feeds him, she take care of him, she look after of his hunger, everything her child needs, be fulfilled by his mother, she see him getting bigger and bigger, she teaches him, she arranges his education, take care of his pocket money, make him good clothes, so that he would be able to stand and be proud among his fellow members, class fellow, and friends, she makes him a complete man, why she does all this , for this day, that one day he will beat her and abuse her. No. this is not right. this video has left a great message on my life. what am i doing, what all of us are doing. All of us talk about respecting our parents, are we actually doing this. Aren't we like this man? are we obeying our parents? are our parents happy with us...

Dear All !

Time has come, we all have to sit down and relax, and to think whether we respect our parents in the real way or not. do we respect our parents in a way that we have been taught, the way our religion has taught us, the way our parents have dealt us. Sit down and relax and ask all these question to yourselves. So that we may easily answer to these questions and if we are not complying with all these then the time has come, we should start doing this.

Who knows the future, who knows tomorrow our own children will start abusing us and to beat us, no one can guarantee. but if we do good to our parents then trust me, it is our belief as a muslim, it will come back to us..

Lets come together, and promise ourselves, that now from today, we'll respect our parents and do as they say or want. Because our parents are the only ones, who can never want bad for us and no one else can. Today is the time to change ourselves so that our tomorrow will be a better tomorrow than today. Today is the time to change ourselves so that this incident will never happen again not with us as parents, nor with anyone else in the world. and if we really want the things going better for our children, that obviously we as  children should start respecting our parents and to give them what they really deserve.

Someone wrote this on a social platform

یہ ہے وہ بے غیرت، بے شرم، زلیل، مکارشخص جس نے اپنی بیوی کے بہکاوے میں آکے اپنی ماں پر تشدد کیا۔ کیا کوئی مرد اتنے کچے کانوں کا بھی ہوتا ہے۔ جس ماں نے پال پوس کے بڑا کیا اس ماں پر بیس پچیس سال بعد زندگی میں آنے والی لڑکی کے کہنے پر اپنی ماں جس نے چلنا سیکھایا بولنا سیکھایا پڑھنا لکھنا سکھیا اس ماں پر تشدد۔ لعنت لعنت لعنت اس شخص پر آپ بھی لعنت دیکر آگے شئیر کریں

نہ زمین پھٹی نہ آسمان گرا__!!
معلوم ہوا کہ یہ خبر سچی ہے، یقین جانئیے ابھی بھی آنکھوں میں آ
نسوں ہیں اس دردناک واقعے سے۔
راولپنڈی صادق آباد کے علاقے میں بیٹے نے اپنی بیوی کے بہکاوے میں آکے. اپنی بیوی کے ساتھ مل کر اپنی ماں اور بہن پر تشدد کیا۔ تشدد بھی ایسا کے کوئی انسان کسی اور کی ماں بیٹی سے بھی کرتے ہوئے بھی ہزار بار سوچتا ہے۔
اللّٰہ اکبر یہ سب کیسے کر لیتے ہیں سنگدل لوگ پھر ہم کہتے ہیں ہمیں حُکمران اچھے نہیں ملتے۔ہماری زندگیوں میں سکُون نہیں۔ہمیں یہ پریشانی وہ پریشانی۔ہمارے اپر پتھر برسنے چائیے، عزاب آنا چائیے، اپنی "جنّتوں" کو گھروں سے بے گھر کر کے اللّٰہ سے جنّت کی اُمید رکھتے ہیں تو یہ بس خام خیالی ہے۔خدارا یہ جنّت زندگی میں ایک بار ہی ملتی ہے اس کی قدر کر لو ورنہ ساری زندگی کی عبادتیں مُنہ پہ مار دی جائیں گی
اور جب یہ جنّت دنیا سے رخصت ہو جاتی ہے تو نرم بستر پر بھی نیند نہیں آتی ۔🔞

Dear all, 

i haven't discussed about that cursed man, as i really do not want to discuss, as i have no good words for him, but i can only pray that Allah will guide him in the right way, and bestow him to take a courage to apologize to his mother, and pray his mother will forgive him. that's all.

Thank you so much for reading all this. Allah bless us all and give us power to courage so that we'll keep respecting our parents and to give them what they deserve.

Allah keep everyone's parents healthy and happy.
